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CDS Virtual Element Calculate and Filter option to same field

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I have a Scenario where the field should be calculated and should have a filter option to the same field..

tried with below scenario however, couldn't able to resolve it.

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Active Contributor
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Hi Manasa Sanga,

In order to apply filter on a virtual element, interface if_sadl_exit_calc_element_read needs to be implemented. Please see the Use Case 2 in the following link.

Best regards,


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himioyasutake ,

Is it true that adding a filter on a field calculated by virtual class can lead to performance downgrading?

Then why is it advised to put a filter on a field whose value is getting calculated via a virtual class?


Udita Saklani

Active Contributor
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Hi udita10,

The role of IF_SADL_EXIT_FILTER_TRANSFORM is to replace the filter condition on the calculated field with a condition for original the persistent field, so I don't think this would harm performance.

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      @ObjectModel.filter.transformedBy: 'ABAP:ZCL_DEMO_CDS_CALC'
      @EndUserText.label: 'Period'
      @UI.selectionField: [{ position: 50 }]
      [{ entity             : {name : 'ZI_PERIOD_VH',
      element               : 'YearMonth'} }]
      cast( '000000' as vdm_yearmonth preserving type ) as YearMonth,

      @EndUserText.label    : 'Period1'
      @UI.lineItem: [{position: 40 }]
      @ObjectModel.virtualElement: true
      @ObjectModel.virtualElementCalculatedBy: 'ABAP:ZCL_DEMO_CDS_CALC'
      cast( ' ' as vdm_yearmonth  )                     as YearMonth1,
Active Participant
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I wonder what is your question about.

Is your problem that the ABAP class does not get called at all?
Do you want to make use of the virtual element in a non-analytical OData or Fiori use case? Or somewhere else?
Have you implemented the SADL exit interfaces?
Do you need help on using the condition factory for the filrter transfmoration?