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Create CDS-View including domain with conversion exit

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I created a CDS-View:

When i create an OData-Service based on this view, i get the following error:

It seems to be due to the field "PosNr" which has an underlying domain with a conversion exit:

It is resolved if i cast this field in the CDS-View like this:

Is this the correct solution or can i solve this in the SAP GUI system. I think it should not be the solution to convert those field in the CDS-View. Any solutions?

Best Regards


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Marcel,
you wrote "Is this the correct solution or can i solve this in the SAP GUI system.?".

So I assume we are talking about two systems, one where you have developed your CDS view and another system from which you call the OData Service programmatically?

Can you please share on which release you are working on in the system(s)?

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Andre,

thanks for your fast response. It is a S/4 HANA 1909 Backend System and both the CDS-View and the OData-Service run on this system. Excuse my misleading wording.

Best regards


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Hi marcelhippchen

You could check the ABAP_ALPHANUM or LPAD functions.

Kind regards,
