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Custom Domain cross-global account?


Hello everyone,

I have a question related to BTP architecture and Custom Domain usage.

Let's say I have Global Account A, with two NEO subaccounts (CPI QA+CPI PROD) and a custom domain with a wildcard certificate, used for both CPIs. These NEO CPI licenses will expire soon.

I need to migrate my CPI integration flows to Global Account B, where I have two CF subaccounts (CPI QA+CPI PROD), but I don't have a custom domain entitlement there.

Is it technically (and commercially) possible to keep using the custom domain in Global Account A? This means by changing the mappings to the CPIs in Global Account B.

Or am I forced to purchase a new custom domain service for Global Account B?

Thank you!

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Hi Giulia ,

Yes, it is technically possible to keep using the same custom domain (was used in Global Account A) while changing the mappings of the CPIs to Global Account B. The custom domain in Global Account A can be reconfigured to point to the Cloud Foundry (CF) instances in Global Account B, instead of the NEO instances.

Remember you can only use your custom domain to point out to an identical A record from your nameserver in your domain registrar, in your case since you going to use Cloud Foundry account it should represent its public IP.

High level steps:

1-Update the DNS records for the custom domain to point to the IP addresses of the CF instances in Global Account B. You will need to have access to the DNS management interface for your domain provider to make these changes.

2-Configure the custom domain in the CF instances in Global Account B. This will involve creating a route and mapping it to the appropriate applications running in the CF instances. You can use the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (CF CLI) to accomplish this.

3-Test the custom domain to ensure that it is properly configured and that it resolves to the applications running in the CF instances in Global Account B. You can use tools such as "nslookup" or "ping" to test the resolution of the custom domain.

4-Update your integration flows in Global Account B to use the new custom domain for the CPIs.

However, whether this is commercially possible depends on the specific agreement and entitlements you have with SAP. It is recommended to consult with SAP support (by creating a ticket) or your sales representative to confirm if this is OK and what requirements may be necessary for the reconfiguration if there is any. You may be required to purchase additional entitlements or services for Global Account B.

You can always use SAP Expert Chat in SAP portal after logging with your S-user to ask the same question:

Note: If you only update your integration flows in Global Account B to use the custom domain without updating the DNS records for the custom domain to point to the IP addresses of the Cloud Foundry (CF) instances in Global Account B, then the custom domain will still resolve to the NEO instances in Global Account A.

As a result, the integration flows in Global Account B will not be able to use the custom domain as intended, and the custom domain will not be properly mapped to the CF instances in Global Account B.

Hope this helps!


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Hi amin_omidy

thank you for your answer! I will explore the commercial side in more depth.

Regarding the technical side, point 2 of your steps should be performed with NEO SDK in my case, because my current custom domain is in Global Account A. I will configure the custom domain mappings with neo commands as always, and I will need to change the mapping to the new applications on CF subaccounts. Is it correct?

Thank you!

Answers (2)

Answers (2)


Hi Giulia,

Another alternative would be to request your SAP Account Executive (2626344 - Who is the SAP Account Manager for my company?) to migrate the Custom Domain entitlement from Global Account A to B (this can be done via a Replacement Order).

This is explained in KBA:
2498151 - Migrating solutions from one Global Account to another

Why this is possible?
Global Accounts represents a contract between the company and SAP.
The Global Accounts ("contracts") reunite the solutions you own.
So in case such entitlement is not necessary in Global Account A ("contract" A), you could request your SAP Account Executive to migrate it to Global Account B ("contract" B).


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All the best,
SAP Support

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Hi blume

This would be more difficult because Custom Domain is still used in Global Account A, and moving this service would lead to a disruption. Changing mappings on application level is something that we can do in a few minutes, while moving a license means having to deal with SAP's times. Moreover, from note 2498151, I understood that SAP can only move the service entitlement, not the related data/settings/tenants/services. We finally decided to purchase a new Custom Domain quota for Global Account B.

Thank you for the valuable information!

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Hi Giulia,

Your statement is correct. Step 2 "configuring the custom domain" has to be done in Cloud Foundry subaccount similar to the steps you probably did in Neo subaccount to have your custom domain connect to a new Global account (B).


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Hi Amin, again, thank you for your help.
