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Design Studio or HANA Studio: Connection to database server lost

0 Kudos

Hello everyone!

in Design Studio

- After 5-10 minutes not working with DS (connected to HANA) I return back and try Add a new Data Source or activate the Content assistance in scripts, application freezes for a minute and logs the following error (see below).

- The same thing, when I try to work with my Design Studio application in the browser after a 5-10 min idle.

in HANA Studio

- I may Open Data Preview of the table and when I Refresh this view after 5 min it freezes HANA Studio for 1 min.

- in SQL Console: after 5 minutes idle I execute sql query, it freezes for 1 min and returns with an error

"Cannot get the data provider outline

Data receive failed [Read timed out]."

My assumption:

Could it happen because of my (default) HANA database configuration, like idle_connection_timeout ?

I tried setting to "15000" or "-1" didn't help: How can I keep DB connection always alive in HANA Studio? - Stack Overflow .

My installation:

DS 1.4

HANA SPS8 @ Azure

Have anyone had these issues?

Error from Design Studio 1:

-------------------------------- Unable to execute SQL statement (GET_SYSTEM_VERSION) : SELECT "VERSION" FROM "M_DATABASE"  (Connection to database server lost; check server and network status [System error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error])



BI exception with class "BAERuntimeException" and message "Unable to execute SQL statement (GET_SYSTEM_VERSION) : SELECT "VERSION" FROM "M_DATABASE"  (Connection to database server lost; check server and network status [System error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error])". See default trace for log ID "6f91202c-c777-4184-9346-42323482bc8b".



ERROR [6f91202c-c777-4184-9346-42323482bc8b]: Unable to execute SQL statement (GET_SYSTEM_VERSION) : SELECT "VERSION" FROM "M_DATABASE"  (Connection to database server lost; check server and network status [System error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error])

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Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Kostia,

you have for sure some timeout. Design Studio is using JDBC connection to HANA Server.

If also the web connection is lost after few minutes, the timeout is just destroying the session on the server.

Check this, perhaps your issue fits into the case:

If you cannot find a solution, I will try to find an HANA expert.


0 Kudos

Hi Karol,

I precisely walked through the procedures recommended in the discussion, but it did not fix the assumable timeout problem.

I appreciate any kind of your help if its still possible!

PS: Only funny change is that my HANA system in Studio is lighted up green now (I map IP to hostname in my .hosts)

Kind regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Kostia,

if you cannot manage this on your side - its better you create a customer incident on this topic, I am afraid I cannot help on that remotely. With an incident, someone from support can check the system settings and find the one which is causing the timeout.


0 Kudos

Hi Karol,

thank you, I will go on as you suggest.


0 Kudos

Hi Kostia

Is there a solution for this issue?

Thanks in advance
