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FileUploader take video from Android on Fiori Client

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I am having some issues with the FileUploader on Fiori Client. This works on Chrome and other browsers on the device, but when running it in Fiori client browser it does not work.

When doing something like this:

<FileUploader change="onAddAttachment" class="video-input" mimeType="video/*" />

And some Jquery to make sure it is correct: (FileUploader has 3 inputs for some reason and i cant add capture as far as i know)

$(".video-input input").attr({'capture': 'capture', 'accept':'video/*'});

It works perfectly in all browsers i test. But When we open the app via the Fiori client i am not allowed to use the camcorder. It is grayed out.

I think this worked on the client before google changed something in Android so you now have to select camera(image) or video recorder when clicking a input type file, you can't switch between them any more as far as i know.

Does anyone have a workaround for this? or if anyone knows if this will get fixed / if i am doing something wrong?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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To fix this issue, i had to build my own FioriClient via the SDK and add a plugin "cordova-plugin-media-capture"(

This made it possible to select video recording from a file input in the fiori client and it made it possible to directly open the camera like this eks;.

    CaptureCB captureSuccess, CaptureErrorCB captureError, [CaptureVideoOptions options]

Camera.MediaType VIDEO

Does not work on Android with cordova-plugin-camera

0 Kudos

I dint understand the understand the mean

"via the SDK and add a plugin "cordova-plugin-media-capture" " how can we do that?

or just by code


// limit capture operation to 1 video clip of low quality
var options = { limit: 1, quality: 0 };
navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(captureSuccess, captureError, options);


thankyou in advance

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bansalriya16 You need to add the plugin into the project via terminal

$cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-media-capture

this should add the plugin to the cordova instalation

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