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how to combine header and lines data from SAP business bydesign

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We would like to bind PO Headers and PO Items (‘left join’) that we get with the OData of the BYD, into a single Table of type sap.ui.comp.smarttable:SmartTable. We’ve tried to do this in two ways :

  1. Using these two entitysets : ‘PurchaseOrderCollection’ and ‘PurchaseOrderItemCollection’. With a navigation property ‘PurchaseOrderItem’ from the first one to second one. We got this code in the view.view.xml :

    But after many attempts, which we tried to assign the tableBindingPath property in a few combinations, all we could get is the fields of only one entityset at a time.
    1. Using Design reports via generating OData query. We’ve created a url :
    Here we got this code in the view1.view.xml:

But here we couldn’t display the Data in the UI at all.

We tried to look for guides or documentation that would help us understand how to do both options and we didn't find any details about it.

thank you


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