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How to resolve the version compatibility issue in Launchpad?

Active Participant

Hello Everyone,

I am working on SAPUI5 Application Development. I am facing the below error when we try to execute the application from the Fiori Launchpad.

Error Message in console:

"Since UI5 version 1.95, the private module 'sap/ui/core/CustomizingConfiguration' is functionally inactive. Please be aware that this module has always been a private API and any monkey patching on this module will have no further effect. You must remove the dependency to this file as this module will be removed in one of the following versions of UI5"

when I run it from BAS with a version below or equal to 1.95.0, it is working as expected. with the version above 1.95.0 application is not opening and getting the above error.

My Launchpad ui5 version is 1.96.12.

Could anyone help me to resolve this issue?

Thank you,



Active Contributor

the msg is very clear, asking you to remove it.

Product and Topic Expert
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I'd suggest creating an incident:

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jun.wu5 Yes, however i am not able to see this definition inside the project.

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you have the code, and you cannot find it. how can we find it if we don't even have the code??

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jun.wu5 Got it. Thanks, If anyone faced this kind of issue i will get a help from them

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Is the app generated in runtime by SAP Fiori elements based on OData V2?

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boghyon.hoffmann yes.

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Hello boghyon.hoffmann , do you have any other comments regardign this issue?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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You can see in the source code more information. See the comments there. AFAIK SAP Fiori elements relied on their own monkey patch to enable extensions based on that private CustomizingConfiguration module.

But since the CustomizingConfiguration is not actually removed in 1.96 yet due to compatibility reasons, and because the application is generated by SAP Fiori elements which affects thousands of other applications, I believe there is a different reason for your particular app not opening. Are there more relevant errors? Try also upgrading to the latest 1.96 patch number which should be 1.96.24 or .25.

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Hello boghyon.hoffmann ,I am not getting any additional error apart from this one.

"Try also upgrading to the latest 1.96 patch number which should be 1.96.24 or .25." - I am not getting this point, could you please explain bit more. However only in development system I am facing this issue, not in Quality. UI5 version in Both Quality and Development are same . 1.96.22.




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Your question mentions the version "1.96.12". Not sure if you meant SAPUI5 or SAPUI5 core (OpenUI5). Either way, the 12 there is the patch number of the UI5 1.96 release. Since the 1.96 release is still maintained, SAPUI5 developers provide fixes to 1.96 by which the patch number increases. 1.96.12 is a bit outdated. Try upgrading to the latest available 1.96 patch.

However, I doubt upgrading to the latest patch won't resolve the issue (although it's good to apply latest patches). Please see my answer below.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Please see if applies to you too. Otherwise, I'd suggest creating a support case.

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Hello All, There was a custom code written inside one of the events ,that causing the issue with my application. Closing this question as it is not related to the version. boghyon.hoffmann thanks for your support.