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JAM Opensocial HTTP 400 error

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I have a few custom HTML Opensocial gadgets running on my JAM instance. However, some of them will randomly not load and show the following error:

Unable to retrieve spec for jam://indirect?key=WyIyNDI0MDM3Mi1jMzZhLTRmZGItYjBkZC1lMjZkYTZlMjExNGUiLCJodHRwczpcL1wvYnJhbmNoZ3JvdXAuY29tXC9zYXBcL2h1YlwvbXlicmFuY2gtaG9tZS05LTIueG1sIl0&hash=743157d. HTTP error 400

Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?

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I am seeing this in multiple customer environments as well. Have raised an incident with support about 10 days ago but no progress as yet. Seems to go away on refresh but is easily reproducible.

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