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Missing DWC_CONSUMPTION privilege.

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After the automatic roll-out of the scoped roles in SAP Datasphere, a customer cannot report onto SAP Datasphere data in SAP Analytics Cloud. The user was assigned to a role Z_DW_CONSUMER, which had consuming privileges and was sufficient to view the report + data. Now, he is member of the Z_DW_CONSUMER_SAP_Scope scoped role, and he gets the following warning...

Datawarehouse Consumption : READ UPDATE EXECUTE

Space Files : READ

Are there any more privileges I am missing?


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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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We had a similar issue, where a user didn't see any spaces after the Scoped Roles migration.
His user was still assigned to the scopes, that should give him access.

The solution was to remove the scope assignments from his user and reassign them, after that it worked as expected.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi cas333,

The scoped roles migration should have no impact at all in existing scenarios.
This should be a seamless feature change. The described behavior is unexpected.

Therefore I recommend you to raise a SAP Support ticket so we can review your scenario and your issue in detail.