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Odata Query not working when using '=' symbol

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I have an Odata Query which is working (getting data) fine when i use 'eq' as below:

/sap/opu/odata/SAP/Z*****_01/BPInputsSet?$format=json&$filter= Account eq '800000012341' and Prodtyp eq 'EWR' &$expand=NavtoData1,NavtoData2&$format=json

But when i replace 'EQ' with '='  its throwing error like " 400 : Invalid token detected at position.".etc

How to correct this error?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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This is not an error, it’s how it works as per OData spec.

0 Kudos

Oh really! I see '=' works only for Get Entity queries.

Lets wait for more replies before accepting your answer.

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Imagine these two:

  • $filter= Account eq '800000012341' and Prodtyp eq 'EWR' 
  • $filter= Account = '800000012341' and Prodtyp = 'EWR'

Now think about writing a parser for the second option 😉 Also don't forget how URL params work in your browser.

You could also check the spec to learn that $filter doesn't not allow a '=' (scroll to the section): 4.5. Filter System Query Option ($filter)

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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You need to know, that query parameters (also called CGI parameters, based on an old standard of the 90s) have a special format, where the characters '?', '&', '+', '%' and '=' have a special meaning. Roughly speaking, the format of a URL with query parameters is:


The ? separates the query parameters from the rest of the URL, the & separates two query parameters from each other, and the = separates the query-name from the query-value. A % sign is used to indicate an "escape sequence" and a +-sign can be used to represent a space inside a name or value. For example a parameter "street" with value "Alan Turing Avenue 42" would be encoded as


That means, if you want to use any of these special characters (and some others) inside the name or value of a query parameter, you need to "URL-encode" it. See HTML URL Encoding Reference (

In our example, we have a query parameter with the name "$filter" and the value "Account = '800000012341' and Prodtyp = 'EWR'". The = sign needs to be encoded as %3D, leading to the following correct query:


(Note that the algorithm used here, encoded space characters as %20 instead of as a + sign, which is also ok. In general, every character can be encode ("escaped") by %xy, where xy is the hexadecimal value of its ASCII code or its UTF-8 code.)