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Browser cache issue after any change in the UI

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Hi experts,

I have made a custom SAP UI5 application in HCP. I am facing the browser cache issue in the application. Whenever I am doing any change in UI the changes are not reflected in the application. I need to do hard or empty cache reload to see the changes.

I am directly loading the component.js(not using index.html) file to load the application so I can't use the cache buster code(which is handling cache buster issue automatically) which we write in index.html to handle cache issue.

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one html file must be using to run your app, that may be inside the test folder in project structure, check your app url to find html file and you can implement cache buster there.

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Hi Akhilesh,

yes html file is there in my project structure, but I am using component.js to run the application in HCP. So whatever I am writing in html file it will not get excuted.

Active Contributor
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find out the proper one and write in that html file, will work.