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Check In & Check Out to Repository Doesn't Save Format Changes on Tables

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Hello everyone,

I am trying to save the physical diagram that I have created to repository by checking in. However, after I do it and re-open it the format changes such as color, I did on my tables dissapear and they go back to their default colors set by PowerDesigner itself. During check in, I choose the following options on advanced settings:

- Check Out after Check In

- Save diagrams for PowerDesigner_Portal

- Lock after check in

I tried several variations by unsellecting different options but I still face the same problem. Eventhough all the selected setting are same, it sometimes changes to default, but preserves my changes other times. Once, I changed colors of 2 different tables and it kept one and turned the other one to default. I can't seem to understand the struggle.

Thank you very much in advance. Any ideas or help is much appreciated.

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what is your version of PowerDesigner? This seems like a bug to me and you should report it as an Incident. But before you do, does it happen only to you or all your colleagues? Does it happen to only in one model or in all your models? Answers to these questions should tell you more about where the problem might be.

Kind Regards,

Ondrej Divis

0 Kudos

Hello Ondrej,

Thank you for your response. I am using version 16 and I am the only one using it currently. We are at the very beginning of modeling our datamarts. It doesn't only happen to 1 model, all of it can get affected (As I explained in my original question sometimes it accepts the change of 1 table and not the other one in the same submodel).

Also, we are simultaniously saving our model to our local computer. Do you think this might be causing the problem?

Kind Regards,


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Saving your models locally should not affect them in any way. If you are using version 16.7 you can create an incident at SAP. Are your changes of formatting determined by changing table Stereotype or do you change the format manually? Have you tried redefining your defualt Display Preferences? These are quite general questions, because I don`t know any details about your modelling process/environment. Changing table colours is quite often used for determining different types of tables. If it is your case (you need to differentiate different table types), try using Stereotypes instead direct changes of table formatting.

Try to uncheck "Save diagrams for PD Portal" during your checkin operation.

What database are you using as Repository?


Ondrej Divis

0 Kudos

I too faced this problem today with I was uploading CDM to the repo , looks like there is lot of bugs in check in check out process

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Dear Ondrej and Mudassar,

Thank you both for your input. Eventhough we have yet not completely resolved our issue, using stereotypes for color coding tables have worked for out benefit! We are losing much less colors compared to before.

