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Combine separate schema and multiple db instance approach for MTA app using multitenancy

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I am trying to build an Multitarget application (MTA) application using multitenancy, I understand SAP recommends to use separate schema approach for multitenancy however I want to know how can we combine separate schema and multiple db instance approach in one Multitarget application (MTA) application. So whenever we have a customer who wants a new db instance then they should be able to subscribe to new instance and another customer wants db sharing then our application to should be able to serve with schema separation.

Many Thanks,


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I am referring to multitenant application in BTP here.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello Manasa,

assuming you are referring here to multitenancy in the ABAP Environment:

Please refer to Define Your ABAP Solution.

With parameter tenant_mode you can define your solution to be based on a new ABAP system per tenant (=single) or a new client but in the same system (=multi). In ABAP Environment the HANA instance is bound to each system. And per multitenant application/solution that is deployed as MTA at least one new system is created.

Therefore you would need to deploy separate multitenant applications for your "single" and "multi" offerings: one with tenant_mode = single and one with tenant_mode=multi. Consumers should then subscribe to solution of their offering.

Multitenant applications from Solution Extension partners or SAP itself have the possibility to define different application plans per solution/multitenant application in BTP. These plans can have different configurations for tenant_mode. But as of now this not supported externally.

Best regards,

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Hi Peter,

Thanks for your response. I am trying to build a MTA based multitenant application on BTP. And I want to know how one single application be used for separate schema in one db and the same application serving multiple db instance.

In short I would like to know how can a single application serve both schema separation and Database Instances.