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Controller extensions not supported in Fiori Adapatation project.

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I have a requirement to add some fields and F4 helps in standard Fiori(not a Fiori element), SAP reference library Provides controller extensions to achieve the same for the Fiori App I intend to. So I have created the adaptation project and able to add new custom fields( which I added through BADI in the backend S/4 Hana system) however when I try to add controls like radio button, the changes are not getting reflected in the UI5 editor and also I see an information whenever I open the UI5 editor "Synchronous views are detected for Fiori application and controller extensions are not supported for this view, Controller Extension views will be disabled for this View".

Have anyone faced above information(marked in bold) shown in UI5 editor?, In this case how to add fragments/ controller extensions? or what is the strategy to proceed further?



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Hi Sangeetha, as this is really a SAPUI5 in Business Application Studio question I would recommend adding the tags SAPUI5 and Business Application Studio - someone there may have dealt with that issue.

With freestyle apps - i.e. SAP Fiori (SAPUI5) - a lot depends on what the developer has permitted within that specific app. So I would also suggest you include the exact app id - you can get that from the About information when in the app as explained in SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Finding the technical name of an app

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Hi jocelyn.dart ,thanks for your feedback , you are right that it should go to the SAPUI5 and Business Application Studio, I will try to change.

Basically , the challenges with the standard app adaptation are to add new fragments, controller extensions and it has been resolved by SAP by changing the SAP UI5 Version and selecting the right aggregation. For fellow developers, I suggest that if any specific issues related to the UI5 Adaptation project raising an incident would lead to the right solution.( I have not mentioned App Id as it is confidential)