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Data input for measures on yearly level


Hey all,

i am tried to refine the data input for our model. As you can see in the screenshot, there are prices on monthly level for product 1. Data inputs start at June 2023.

Since the key measure for price is set up this way:

the prices wont be summed up on yearly level. This way you can input prices for years and have the same price every month.

since 2023 is not identical in every month, there is an issue with copying the 2023 price to future years, since the locked cells will be locked in the other years aswell. Even though you only copied on yearly level.

Is there a way to set up the model options so the copy of prices on yearly level will fill out every month cell and not copy the locked cells from january to may into the other years?

Thanks in advance and best regards!

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We have faced similar problems.

You want to allow data entry on year level (and all months underneath should have same value), while still allowing the possibility to differentiate the values on month level.

(Deep) Copy-paste is often confusing to users...

As workaround, when pasting the copied cells on year level, I suggest you to instead right click target cell and use the special "paste values" icon. It's hard to train end users though... and they will forget.

The best solution would be that SAC product is enhanced in some way...
-> maybe an option to disable deep-copy/paste functionality on table level
-> or allow better modelling options and disaggregation modes.
please vote on this idea:
-> or disable disaggregation centrally
like suggested in this idea:
-> or allow modelling with time-dependent values (just like currency table) where you can let users enter valid from date for a certain price.