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define Custom Link on Fiori Notification

Dear Fiori Expert

When I clicked Fiori Notification, by default it would be link into My Inbox Tile,

in my case, I want to change the default parameter that shown,

where is the spot that I should enhance to get this one?

by default, the param are #WorkflowTask-displayInbox?allItems=true&showAdditionalAttributes=true

I need to change to #WorkflowTask-displayInbox?allItems=true&showAdditionalAttributes=true⊂titution=false

Please Help


Newbie Fiori Consultant

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I am assuming that you are generating the notifications by maintaining the task config in tcode: "SWF_PUSH_NOTIF1" .

If yes, then those are default parameters and I don't think we can change them as I couldn't find any badi available for that when I checked last time.

You have 2 options IMO:

1. Implicit enhancement or method enhancement (Dirty and not a good way) in the method: CL_SWF_PUSH_NOTIF_API=>_SET_NAVIGATION

2. Remove the config from the swf_push_notif1 tcode for that particular task and create the notifications by yourself when the workitem gets generated: you can refer to the demo program below: TCODE: /IWNGW/BEP_DEMO

these are the ways that i know of, I tried earlier to find any standard approach, couldn't find any 😞

But if you want to disable the substitution for all the workitems, then simply go to the tile mapping configuration and add a parameter: "substitution" with default value as "false"



HI Mahesh,

thank you for replying,

I tried to take the Dirty one,
and it work

heres my code, take the implicit enhancement

ls_parm-name = 'substitution' ##NO_TEXT.

ls_parm-value = 'false' ##NO_TEXT.
APPEND ls_parm TO ch_notification-navigation_parameters.

then clear cache to my notification, and worked

then the link gonna be #WorkflowTask-displayInbox?allItems=true&showAdditionalAttributes=true⊂titution=false

thank you,


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Thank you!

In method _SET_NAVIGATION class CL_SWF_PUSH_NOTIF_API you can also edit intent so you can redirect users from notification to your custom My Inbox.

