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Destination for Build Process Automation


Hi All,

In order to use Action in Build Process Automation, we need to create destination. We are trying to call API from S4.

This is on premise system. Currently destination maintained is server with port, like http://server:port

We created oData service. URI while checking from GUI is like


Could you please help with:

1. Is the current destination good or Do we need to maintain destination in BTP like


2. We will be using multi odata ( all custom, no standard). Do we need to create multiple destinations for each service or only one destination is ok and all services can be called with it

3. When creating action, we select 'SAP System'. It shows message 'Empty Package'. This does not look good. At least standard API's should be visible ( although we will use custom ones). Do we need to specify somewhere, that which API's to be exposed, like in Cloud Connector

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Thanks a lot for the help provided.

With the inputs, we were able to plan the solution.

We didn't create multiple destinations for each service.

Took the metadata from oData from backend system and uploaded in a new project for each API with upload API specification option.

Then created a common destination till the port of destination.

In the action project, defined suffix. Where given the path of service. This internally completes the whole path till service.