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Difference between hdbtable/ hdbcds/ cds? Issues with hdbcds and cds table creation.

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1. I am trying to create a table using '.hdbcds' format, but I get the following error. The plugin is defined in the '.hdiconfig' file though.

   Preparing the make transaction... 
Adding "src/TABLE_LIST_COPY.hdbcds" for deploy...
Preparing the make transaction... ok (0s 52ms)
Error: "src/TABLE_LIST_COPY.hdbcds": could not create a compile unit for the file [8211714]
at "src/TABLE_LIST_COPY.hdbcds" (0:0)
Error: Could not find the "" build plugin [8210501]
Error: Adding "src/TABLE_LIST_COPY.hdbcds" for deploy... failed [8211700]
Error: Preparing... failed [8211602]

I understand the way forward is to use '.hdbtable' and '.cds' -, but can we no longer use '.hdbcds'?

2. While I use the '.cds' format. I see the generated '.hdbtable' definition in the gen folder, but no table is created under my container schema. How do I create a table using the '.cds' format?

namespace test.db;
entity Tables{
key schemaname : String(20);
key hanatable : String(100);
virtualtable: String(100);
srctable : String(100);

Active Contributor

Please provide information what HANA DB you are using. Also it would help if you share a sample project showing your issue in a public Git repository.

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Hi gregor.wolf, We are using HANA on SCP. I will create a dummy project to replicate the error and share the git link with you.

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If you use SAP HANA Cloud you don't need to provide a sample project. SAP HANA Cloud does not support hdbcds. Check out also the CAP documentation: Enhance Project Configuration for SAP HANA Cloud.

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Thank you Gregor. But I don't understand why the .cds definition does not create a table even though I see the generated '.hdbtable' definition in the gen folder. Is an annotation like @cds.persistence.table compulsory? I don't see that in tutorials I came across.

I still have a lot to learn on this 🙂

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To find a solution for the issue that the table isn't created in HANA you should provide a sample project.