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Displaying wrong color in Analytical Fiori App(FIori Elements) using UI.datapoint

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1)Please find the below UI.datapoint Annotation which i had given and my requirement is that for this field i want to display green color.

2)I had given the value '3' for the zpositive

3)But the color is displaying as black.

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Please raise an incident to us as it's very hard to determine what had when wrong by analyzing the screen shot.

After a glance,

1. my best guess is the "zposition" color palette was not being recognized by chart (or was not bound to chart) so some data points were shown in black. You could try retrieve the chart vizProperties array object and check the object values "plotArea.dataPointStyle"

2. I see "Type" was one of the color being plotted but it was not defined in your @UI.dataPoint(....). Where was this dimensions came from?

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Hi chapmanwong,

please find the total code and my requirement is that i had to display color as Green in Chart what ever value it is and that is the reason i had taken criticalityValue: #POSITIVE but still there is no change in color in my chart