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Enterprise Messaging: You need to provide an HTTPS endpoint to your application


I am following the cookbook Using SAP Event Mesh in Cloud Foundry after finished the Walkthrough: Books Reviews Sample, things went well until step 5. Run your services in separate terminal shells with the hybrid profile:

cds watch reviews --profile hybrid

cds watch bookstore --profile hybrid<br>

'reviews' has been started successfully and I can post an entry in http://localhost:4005/reviews;

'bookstore' has been started, I can see queue and topic subscription created in terminal:

[enterprise-messaging-http] - Create subscription { topic: 'ReviewsService.reviewed', queue: 'z/sap.cgt/01/CAP/0000' }<br>

and then this ERROR appeared, what does this mean and how can I fix it?

[ERROR] Enterprise Messaging: You need to provide an HTTPS endpoint to your application.

Hint: You can set the application URI in environment variable `VCAP_APPLICATION.application_uris[0]`. This is needed because incoming messages are delivered through HTTP via webhooks.
Example: `{ ..., "VCAP_APPLICATION": { "application_uris": [""] } }`
In case you want to use Enterprise Messaging in shared (that means single-tenant) mode, you can use kind `enterprise-messaging-amqp`.<br>

As a result, the message in EM queue was not consumed.

I also tried modify the package.json 'messaging', but same result.

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"@sap/xb-msg-amqp-v100": "^0.9.58""@sap/cds": "5.9.8","node": "16.15.1"