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export timepoint as date

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Hello Expert team,

We have an export structure (BRF to SAP) bind to a DDIC structure. This structure has a field, which has the domain DATUM (8 char string). In BRF+, it appears as timepoint, which is (I suppose) a BRF defined structure.

As we are trying to use in our code the original DDIC structure, the BRF+ program call won't run (dump) as data type incosistency. This is obvious, as the BRF+ is trying to fill a 8 char string with a structure.

Could you please advice, how could we solve this issue easily? We would like to prefer to keep the DDIC data bind. Is there a way to export this "brf internal timepoint" format as a 8 char string to the DATUM domain?

Thanks for your advice in advance!

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nwould it be possible to paste your code here, I can then propose a more appropriate solutuion.