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Extract Tables From ECC/EWM (Hana/Sybase)

Hello everyone, everything good? I have a need to read data directly from some tables in the ECC / EWM sap.

Today the company has the application in several countries so we have data on SAP Hana and Sybase for ECC/EWM.

Hana and Sybase are licensed for the exclusive use of the application, so our use would be read-only.

We have people who know SAP's structure a lot and if they had access to some physical tables in the database without going through the application, they would deliver very great value to the business.

Can we connect directly to SAP HANA and SYBASE and extract with a simple delta-based query some tables like MARA directly using the Hana and Sybase jdbc drivers?

We need to access the information directly without going through the application layer, so we created our own Java based tool.

Do we have any restrictions imposed by sap to not be able to use this development of ours?

I'm asking before we put it into production to avoid any problems. Help me please.

Thank you very much for your personal attention.

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Hi Felipe,

There are two aspects to this. First, on the technical side you can certainly do what you want. You could connect directly to HANA and Sybase to read data. So long as you know how to map the tables and columns back to meaningful business content, then you could technically do what you want.

The second aspect is a bit more complex. The second issue is are you allowed to do this with the current licensing. I would reach out to your account team to verify this based on the contracts in place. What I will say is in general terms.

If the HANA or Sybase database licenses are full use, then you have the rights to do whatever you want as the databases with a full use license allow for direct access.

If the systems are runtime (or REAB) licenses, then you are contractually restricted so this wouldn't be possible. Runtime licenses allow for the use of the HANA and Sybase via the application layer. Most runtime licenses allow you to directly interact with the database engine for the purposes of reporting or business intelligence, but not for data extraction. Generally, data extraction and distribution has to be done via the application itself. So using things like CDS views and application functions to get data rather than just extracting an entire table.

There is a difference in our software usage rights documents between reporting and extracting. I think a lot comes down to intent. If the intent is to connect to the SAP databases to run queries for an individual to use immediately, then it is likely reporting of business intelligence. If the intent is to connect so that you can extract the data for use outside of SAP, then it would be considered data extraction or data distribution.

I know this isn't likely as clear as you want it to be. That's why it is important to reach out to your account team. Let them make the final determination based on contract and use case specifics.


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Hello Mark, how are you?

Thank you so much for his time.You opened my mind and helped a lot with this information.

No one was able to explain clearly as you explained to me.

So it's a matter of interpretation, I could connect directly to the bank if it were a report, just for a report.

The report using a temporary area for example, local disk, to be able to store the csv that the report will import into your memory, could that?

Based on your explanation, if I only consume for one report or reports, I could access the table or tables (joins) directly, it would be more to interpret the usage.

Thanks again.

Sorry for my english.
