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FIORI Elements: Exclude has less options than Include in Search Help

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I have used ABAP CDS annotations to create search help on my FIORI worklist app. The include dropdown shows multiple options like "equal to, between, less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to" where as exclude dropdown show only one option. I am posting the annotations used on the field and the UI screenshots. Please let me know how I can pull all the options available in include to exclude.

Include dropdown:

Exclude dropdown:

ABAP CDS annotations used on Approved Amount field:

    @EndUserText.label: 'Approved Amount'
    @UI.selectionField: [{position: 20 }]
    @UI.identification: {position: 40, importance: #HIGH }
    @Search: {defaultSearchElement: true, fuzzinessThreshold: 0.8,ranking: #HIGH }
    @UI.lineItem: {position: 100, importance: #HIGH }

Please let me know if you need more information on this.


SAP UI5-On-ABAP : 1.60.31

Open UI5: 1.60.30

Thank You,


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

There are similar question to yours asking how to customize the filter operators in the smart filter bar and how to change/remove the filter operator list in value help dialog.

As you can read in this comment by vladimir.velinov you cannot influence the operators in the smart filter bar via annotations. The only way would be to do it via coding and the method setExcludeRangeOperations. But I am not sure if FE allows this kind of extension.

For sure the best (and recommended) way for your requirement would be to upgrade your UI5 version and rely on the standard implementation in the library that - as already referred by Jan - supports this requirement in the most recent versions.