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Fiori Launchpad CF - how to get url

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I'm using CF workflow service in My Inbox, with custom UI for tasks. Using NavigationHandler I have created a link for cross app navigation to navigate from MyInbox task to another app in the same CF FLP - this works fine.

But I also need to email the same link from workflow Task:
1.creating url parameters .hrefForExternal({}) with works fine

2. But - when trying to access the domain with

application issues DOMException for cross-origin frame because workflow tiles run in frame and the domain differs.

So my question is how to get the main FLP url to construct a link to email?



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Hi Shanir,

First I would like to get a better understanding of the use case. We have 3 apps opened one after another in the following order:

1. My Inbox
2. Custom Task UI embedded into My Inbox.
3. Another app opened via link in Point 2.

At which point of the flow do you want to call

How and where the app in Point 3 is opened? Is it opened within the custom Task UI embedded in some container element, is it opened in the same tab or in a new window?

Let's see if some of the SAPUI5 or Fiori Launchpad experts will also reply here as I'm responsible for the My Inbox app. However I think that they will need more detailed structure of the web page.

Greetings and Happy Holidays,

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Hi Yordan,

First, thanks for answering :))

I need to add link when Completing the workflow task, the idea behind is to send email from server with url to the main object. E.g. workflow task is to approve PO. PO number in this workflow task is created as Link with Navigation handler for cross-app navigation to PO app itself - it opens in the same window - this all works fine.

But when approving task I need to construct the same url to be sent to server - here is problem: - I followed this blog but as workflow tiles has different domain window.location.href gives -workflowtilesapprouter domain not the main flp domain, so I tried with - but here it raises cross-origin DOMException.

hope this explains the situation,
