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Future of HANA development?


Two of the most prominent mentors in the HANA development area, Thomas Jung and Rich Heilmann, have just been made redundant from SAP. This basically means SAP has lost two long-standing gurus in the ABAP/HANA space. What does this signal for HANA development, specifically XS/XSA? Does it imply, as some of us have been speculating, that XS/XSA is "dying"? If not, how can SAP possibly justify this move?

For all those of us who have followed SAP, and specifically SDN, for the past 20+ years, this is a worrying signal. I for one would love to hear from other SDN members what your thoughts are.

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SAP HANA native dev with XSA is dead. There are very few SAP-external jobs on the market, which implies barely any enterprise is deploying such solutions. Without such luminaries as Thomas and Rich to help grow and educate the developer pool there will be no community, dev or deployment.

Its either SAP with ABAP or get out of the SAP ecosystem.

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So, is that why Thomas tweeted "looking for new opportunities hopefully getting back to my ABAP roots"?
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JP, that's a little too harsh. There are still good people around at SAP. Still, from the outside it appears pretty stupid to let Tom and Rich go. Even if SAP thinks HANA Native / XSA (HDI especially) is dead, then you put these smart guys to work on other stuff. (Would they refuse?) They laid some groundwork for Cloud Foundry already with XS (xsuaa etc), and SCP does not seem to be affected much, so why not put them over there?