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HMTL5 and connectivity service



Can an html5 application use the connectivity service to get data from on-premises systems?

I have development an app that uses a destination, when I run it locally it works fine but in Foundry the request gives error 404.


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi ruben.alvarez3

Yes, you can use the destination with type on-premise to have access to on-premises systems. In order for this to work, your on-premise system must accessible thru the internet via reverse-proxy or by opening ports on firewall software. The preferred way is by installing SAP Cloud Connector software on-premise. This allows you to make calls to an address that is resolved by the Cloud Connector without the burden of having to configure your firewall or making complex reverse-proxy setups.

If you are testing your app via managed App Router and the Launchpad, please check the following answer:

In sum, when you test applications in Business Application Studio, you are using the destinations declared under the ui5.yaml file. When you deploy the application it is using the App Router configuration instead.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,