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How do I launch UI Theme Designer for my UI5 app deployed in Cloud Foundry



I am unable to launch UI Theme Designer after binding the UI Theme Designer Service to my UI5 application which is deployed to a cloud foundry environment. Followed the steps outlined here in SAP help doc and still had no luck.

Here are the detailed steps performed below:

CF Environment

Within sub account, enabled UI Theme Designer through “Entitlements” and it displayed in the Marketplace section.

Navigated to WebIDE to modify yaml and json files in order to bind the UI Theme Designer to the UI5 application (App was initially imported from and modified accordingly for Cloud Foundry deployment).

Updated mta.yaml to include theme designer service

Updated xs-app.json to allow access to the UI Theme Designer Service

UI Theme Designer Instance created and bound to UI5 application in subaccount after deployment from WebIDE:

Within my sub account, assigned both “Editor” and “Viewer” roles to my user.


Retrieved the app router url:


Appended “/comsapuitheming.themedesigner/” to app router url (SAP Help -

  • Browser loads with “Not found“ message.
  • Note, no route in xs-apps.json to support this url


Appended “/themerun/comsapuitheming.themedesigner/” to app router url:

  • Browser loads with “File Not Found” message.
  • Note, appended “/themerun/” to url mentioned in help guide in order for route to be recognized per configuration in xs-apps.json


Appended “/themerun/” to app router url:

  • Browser loads with “File Not Found” message. Similar screenshot as above.

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Hi @filmon.ghebrezghi,

i am facing exactly the same issue, created instance of theme added the binding to approuter.

but getting "GET request to /comsapuitheming.themedesigner/ completed with status 500 xs-app.json/logout/logoutMethod: Additional properties not allowed"}

in app-router log when i access <approuterURL>/comsapuitheming.themedesigner/

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Ratnesh,

I'm not sure what you're experiencing is the same issue as what Filmon describes, at least I can't find the "500 […] Additional properties not allowed" in his description. That would indicate that the problem stems from an incompatible API change in the approuter, as described in SAP Note 3168684 - UI Theme Designer can’t be opened in SAP BTP Cloud Foundry or the recent SAP Community Question 500 error received for theme designer. Hope this helps you for your problem.
