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How to execute SAP DI Graphs sequentially in automatic manner

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Dear DI experts,

We have 6 interfaces in SAP DI cloud and all of them are fetching data from BW odata service and sending to a CSV file. To execute them manually i have to open each graph and run the graph instead of this do we have any option like a process chain which will excute all the 6 graphs sequentially?

Here scheduling is not my requirement. with just 1 click all the 6 graphs should be called and executed one by one.

Same can be achieved in CPI with the Process direct adapter , in CPI DS we have the Process option but in DI i didn't see any operator like this.

Any thoughts on this?

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HI Michael,

I'm bit new to this technology. I've taken the pipeline operator and i can select only one graph from the configuration. Could you please guide me on how to select all the 6 graphs ?

Please find below pic where i got struck

pipeline-operator-in-di.png .

Active Contributor

Use 6 instances of the operator in series, one for each pipeline.


HI Michael,

As you mentioned i have taken 6 pipeline operators and in each operator i have mentioned each graph name. It is working perfectly.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Good to hear you solved your problem.