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How to export/import data intelligence metadata explorer objects from dev to prod?

Hi everyone,

The import option in metadata explorer is available only for SAP information steward. Can we export & import data quality rules and business glossary-related objects from data intelligence DEV to PROD environments?




Hi Sankara,

Moving rules and glossary from a DEV to PROD system is on our Data Intelligence roadmap.

thank you,


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Thank you Lynne for the quick response.

In that case, the only option currently available is to create data quality rules and glossary terms in the SAP DI PROD system directly. Please let me know if there are any workarounds available.

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No current workaround. Can you send me an email with the customer name and I can add it to Jira?

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If you are able to please share customer info and expectations/use cases with me and as we work with our developers we can make sure we are taking into account all of the use cases.

Thank you,


Sorry for the delayed response. We had already sent an email to the SAP product team with the use cases and other details. Awaiting for the update from team.

Thank you.

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Hi , did you get a response from SAP for the same? Interested to know , thanks

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We have used custom DI pipelines/graphs and incorporated Data Quality rules in the python operator. The graphs can be exported and imported throughout the landscape.

SAP suggested that standard features of Meta Data Explorer like Rules, Rulebooks and Dashboards are mainly to use by end users directly in production system. This is not a replacement of Information Steward as of now. SAP DI provides the feature to import rules from Information Steward. So if your rules are fully tested, you can import directly in DI prod environment for end user to use standard dashboards etc. and play with it.

We have raised a feature request in SAP Influence to add this feature. As of now, there is no same feature request raised for this topic. This may help to push the progress in DI development team.