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How to perform Create and Update operations together in V2 OData Model?

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Hello Experts,

I have a scenario where I have to perform create (Deep entity) and update operation together in a single batch call using v2 OData Model.

I have tested individual operation at a time, and its working fine. But when I try to perform both update and create together in a single batch call, it only performs update and gives timeout error for create. I have tried various combinations of "groupId" and "changeSetId", but it did not work.

Note: Is it possible to perform both create and update together in a single batch call in V2 OData model as it works in V1 model ??



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You should be able to send them both in the same batch request. Set a single deferred group against oModel, and when you call create() and update(), give them both the same groupID. Then when you call submitChanges with the ID it should send them both in the same batch request.