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How to Test oAuth Token Authentication in SAP CAI

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As we all now, SAP recommends us to use oAuth Tokens from May in all Chatbots with SAP UI5 Integration,

I would like to understand how we can test this scenario as we are not in May and how can we be sure that oAuth Authentication is being checked correctly. I have incorporated oAuth logic in UI5 Application and it seems like getting oAuth Token and being passed for communcation with Chatbot along with Request Token.

But even if I don't pass oAuth Token , It will work till May as I am passing Request Token of the Bot.

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Hi gphanikumar90 ,

Ideally if you are setting up Authorization header with OAuth token along with X-Token for your old bots (ones created before feb 2021) and the API calls are returning the response successfully, then you should be good for the upcoming release.

If you want to take a next step and validate if you have setup the integration correctly, you can try changing the OAuth Client ID, Client Secret and the bot (developer / version / environment) token for a freshly created bot and if the calls are still working, then you should be good for upcoming release.