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How to undeploy HCI custom adapter

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I've started to develop an adapter, in order to process some kind of messages that I can't do it in a standard way (I need to read a JMS queue on an on-premise server), and after some test, I wanted to delete one of the adapters I built, but I was unable to find a way to do it (in Eclipse, as well HCI)

I found a similar question posted (, but I could not find a tab named "Deployed Artifacts". When I deploy an adapter (or something else, like a credential) when the process is completed just a window is shown.

I'm using Eclipse Oxygen, with the latest version installed:

(Also I've tried with Eclipse Neon, but I had the same result)

Is this something related to my roles in HCI?

Please, I need some guidance on this.

Thanks in advance


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0 Kudos

Hi Robson,

Thank you for your response.

I've already checked my assigned roles:

However, I'm still unable to see "deployed artifacts", even when it's supposed to be.

I don't know where to look, or what to change.

