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How to update advanced tooltip values in sap.m.Rangeslider in sapui5?

0 Kudos

I have this method updateAdvancedTooltipDom in demokit to update values in range slider .

What can I pass here to update

sap.ui.getCore().byid("id").updateAdvancedTooltipDom()..what values to be passed inside this method to update values in tooltip for sap.m.Rangeslider.??

My value is suppose 24

Value 2 is 56

How to update now updateAdvancedTooltipDom() and update values tooltip..i am doing it in change event i want to update values

How can I use this method updateAdvancedTooltipDom(sNewvalue) and what to be passed here i got this in demokit.

I want to update both value and value2 tooltip values Please suggest.

Syntax please.

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Create content() standard method in a view for generating screen elements via view.

Declare array empty

Push and pop range slider object ( screen element to and from array)

Return array empty

Copy code for range slider from sap ui5 sdk and paste into first.view.js

Declare button object

For capturing range slider values implement functionality in controller.

We can assign a function of a controller to event of that screen element of a view using Ocontroller standard parameter.

For a button press : oController Display fun()

Event Name : ocontroller <function name >

( for range slider attaching function of controller)

Syntax to implement functionality in controller.

<functionname> : function ()


\\ implement the functionality according to requirement


In the Display function ( controller level)

// first we need to get the reference of screen element.

Var slider = sap.ui.getCore()byid(id of screen element);

Var content = form.getcontent

Var lowvalue = slider. getvalue() ;

Var highvalue = slider. getvalue2() ;

To access screen element of a view inside a controller then we refer using ID of screen element.

For messaging : (for printing)

sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.alert ("+lowvalue" "+highvalue")

By consuming these values we are going to send values back to backendsystem by consuming odata abap service with CRUD methods.

Syntax to remove sap.ui.getcore() everytime :

Var view =sap.ui.getcore() ;

Var slider = view. byid(" I'd of screen element") ;

This is the method to update tooltip values in sap.m.Rangeslider in sapui5.

You can use above method to update advanced tooltip values in sap.m.Rangeslider in sapui5.

Thanks and Regards


0 Kudos

I have this method updateAdvancedTooltipDom in demokit to update values in range slider .

What can I pass here to update

sap.ui.getCore().byid("id").updateAdvancedTooltipDom()..what values to be passed inside this method to update values in tooltip for sap.m.Rangeslider.??

My value is suppose 24

Value 2 is 56

How to update now updateAdvancedTooltipDom() and update values tooltip..i am doing it in change event i want to update values

How can I use this method updateAdvancedTooltipDom(sNewvalue) and what to be passed here i got this in demokit.

I want to update both value and value2 tooltip values

Syntax please?