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How to use multiple destinations in app router in CF apps

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Hi experts,

we have an angular app deployed in BTP, and we are currently using the app router as middleware to communicate with the S4HANA system, so we have added the destination in BTP and add the same in the routes and so it worked fine

now we want to connect with the SAP C4C system as well, so we created a destination for SAP C4C in BTP and tried to add in the routes

but after we add the route and deploy the app route does not work, it throws error

Can you please tell if this is the right way to add the destinations to the routes in xs-app.json?
are we missing any steps?

can you please help

Thank you,

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Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate


the problem is that the first route matches all incoming traffic. In other words, the regex of the first route includes the regex of the second route. You can find the documentation of the approuter here.

The solution is to make the first route less generic so that it's distinct from the second route.