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I want to use UI Annotations in CDS View with Fiori Freestyle Application

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I am a freestyle application developer.

However, it is still time consuming.

I looked into the possibility of developing only some of them with @UI Annotations, like Fiori elements.

But I don't know.

I think I can shorten the development process if I can build only the search help with @UI Annotations.

Is it possible to develop only the search help dialog with CDS View annotations?

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Hii huh,

we have figured out two options for us which are working quite well, depending on the overall implementation:

Option 1 - Smart Elements

Use available Smart Elements to increase implementation speed and reduce efforts. Of course, is not with annotations.

Option 2 - Elements App with Freestyle Fragments

Create a UI5 Elements app and add freestyle fragments to the needed sections.

Best regards