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Is it possible to change the format of a dynamic parameter?

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I am using a parameter that refers to a field that returns the options as:


which is the year month day in a decimal format.  Is there a way to convert these to month day year or at least in a more user friendly fashion?

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Hi David5111, there are different options for this depending on what you want the prompt to look like.

If you want to use a calendar based prompt:

  1. On your report create a new Parameter which has a Date Type.
  2. Then in your Record Selection Formula add something like the following.
{your date field} = year({?your date param})*10000+month({?your date param})*100+day({?your date param})


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Thanks JWiseman, so just for clarity, I'm going to create a new parameter, say "EndDate" with the only setting as the type:Date, leaving all other fields as default?

Then in the record selection, select the field name I want to retreive the values from, in this case "DetailDate" and enter: {CHKD.DETAILDATE} = year({EndDate})*10000+month({EndDate})*100+day({EndDate})

is this correct?  Many thanks for your assistance.

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That's just need to add the new "EndDate" Parameter (Date Type) and have your Record Selection utilize it / parse it out to match your number type date field.