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Kyma: ​Difference Microservices vs. Lambda vs. Serverless-Functions


Dear Community,

I’m currently trying to go deeper in the Kyma Area. I was just trying to find a generic definition what are the differences between:

  1. Microservices
  2. Lambda Functions
  3. and Serverless-Functions

My goal would be to implement a „real“ Microservice on Kyma for SAP Commerce - what are the key point which have been fulfilled, so that I do not „just“ implement a function?

Thank you!

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Hello Florian,

Have a look at our Missions at There you can start with the Beginner mission and continue with the full stack application. in the cause of these missions, you will create Functions and deploy Microservices.

Let me try to define both:

Microservices are an architectural variant for extensions / applications where you separate the tasks in smaller pieces which interact with each other. If one Microservice fails, it shouldn't harm the whole application to fail. There is a lot of information available elaborating on this in more than 2 sentences.
What you then do with Microservices is you package them up in a container which you deploy into Kyma and which is always running, i.e. as well idling if there is no load. Have a look at to learn what a container is.

Functions (aka Lambdas) are executed only if they are triggered via an event or an API call. You can write the code directly in an editor inside the Kyma Runtime or you deploy the code into a Git-Repository which is then pulled into Kyma Runtime. This patters is rather used in lightweight scenarios where you don't need to have a full Microservice running.

I hope this helps. Both patterns are not invented by us (the Kyma team), but are common in the industry. You will find a lot of great videos getting you started, blogs elaborating on the attributes of both etc.

Best regards,

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Thanks a lot, marco.dorn!

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We can as well touch base 1:1 and discuss this topic in more detail, florianpeschke. I sent a message via Xing to connect or you can use to send me a DM.