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Migration of Workflow Management Packages to SAP Build PA


Hello community,

I'm new to SAP Build and Workflow Management and stand before a little headscratcher. We use Workflow Management deploayd in Cloed Foundry and want to migrate to SAP Build Process Automation. I've followed the steps of this help page: Migrate to SAP Build Process Automation | SAP Help Portal. The workflows were successfully deployed to a PA instance, but we'd like to have capability to configure them in Process Automation also. Is it possible to migrate fully and import the project?

Best Regards,


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Helllo Archana,

thanks for your answer. Our application is still in development and uses SAP workflow managment with custom user, script and service tasks in its workflows. Since Workflow Management is sunset and supposedly integrated with Process Automation I was tasked with finding ways of migration. Goal is to have the project in Process Automation to continue development, especially the tasks. So far I found the possibility to export the WM package into the PA lobby as a live process, but it can't be configured there (only the visibility scenario that was used). If I understand correctly, the workflows have to be edited in BAS? Or is there a way to import/rebuild them in Build PA?

