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Monitor database pool in SAP CAP NodeJs

Hi all,

Is there a way to monitor the database connection pool in a SAP CAP NodeJs application connected to a HANA database,

I know how its done in the Java/Spring Boot version, but not how/if it can be done in NodeJs.

What I would like to see, for example when I call a certain endpoint how many connections are used or left in the pool at that moment.

regards Ramon

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Ramon, I just saw your message. Did you find any good reference to find out where/why the HANA connections run into problems?
I just tried a high load (3 services running parallel, each firing a batch of 1000 creates to a central CAP service) and ran into a Connection error. I increased the number of connections to a very high number ( >3k) but now get an error indicating a "certificate error".

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hi martinstenzig no did not really found out where/why, I think our problem was/is heavy/long running queries and it looks like each handler just claims one db connection, so instead of big calls with multiple expands we refactored it to multiple small calls what seems to work better (knocking on wood that I dont jinx myself)

problem is probably if you increase the number of connections your HANA (cloud?) probably starts nagging

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is your question related to some existing issue with pooling on HANA?

Otherwise, I forwarded your question to CAP node.js team, we'll see, what could be done with regards.

Best regards,

Mikhail Goncharov

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Hi Ramon,

You can check out this example srv/pool-service.js that is based on the example Martin shared via the reply to my question: Monitoring DB pool usage.

Best Regards