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Multiple ODATA Calls via SAP Cloud SDK


Hello Everyone ,

I am calling backend system using executeHttpRequest (SAP Cloud SDK) via destination which is working fine.

My requirement is to make multiple calls in one go

I am thinking to combine multiple calls using batch or Promise.all

If there any other best way to do . Kindly let me know if there any example I can refer.

Thanks in advance

Active Contributor

Just to make it clear:

In SAP Cloud SDK there is already support for Batch Requests in OData V2 and also V4: Batch Requests. What is needed would be a functionality in CAP to combine multiple backend requests to a $batch request via the native CAP API.

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Batch is the only way to send multiple requests to an oData service in one roundtrip. Promise.all will send multiple requests. You would be better off using the ready support from Cloud SDK instead of rolling out own solution for batching.