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Propagate user attributes from MDK application to backend services in different subaccounts

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we are implementing an MDK application deployed on subaccount "A" that consume a OData service deployed on subaccount "B".

The subaccount "A" has a custom IdP that is federated with ADFS. In federation has been inserted a custom assertion attribute.

In other application deployed on subaccount "A" I can see custom assertion attribute.

I want that the service on subaccount "B" reads the custom assertion attributes. To do this I've created, in mobile connectivity, a destination with OAuth2 SAML Bearer Assertion. I've established a trust with this new destination in subaccount "B" and the Authentication is correctly propagated but in the service I can't see the custom assertion attribute.

How can I propagate the assertion attributes?

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Let me try to explain it:

The flow is

1. Device MDK app authenticate with Mobile Services xsuaa and get $token_mobile.

2. Mobile Services use the login context in step 1 to generate the saml assertion and use it to call the xsuaa of 'provider services' to get $token_provider

Both $token_mobile and $token_provider does NOT contain the IDP attributes

The IDP attributes are in login context in step 2, and in the generated saml assertion in step 2 too.

3. To prove this, you can call Me service in mobile services like:

curl https://<your mobile app host>/mobileservices/application/<appID>/roleservice/application/<appID>/v2/Me -H "Authorization: Bearer $token_mobile"

4. To prove the saml assertion contains the IDP attributes, you can get the $token_provider to call provider's xsuaa userinfo endpoint:

curl 'https://<your xsuaa domain>' -i -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $backendtoken"

In order to get $backendtoken, you can use as your backend url. This endpoint will respond with all request headers include authorization header, which is $backendtoken in this case.

I tried #3 and #4 and they all contains the IDP attributes. And I did NOT update xs-security.json for mobile services.

Please try #3 and/or #4 and let me know the result.

And do you want to inject SAML attributes in JWT token like $token_mobile or $token_provider?
If you're able to include SAML attributes outside mobile services, please attach the entire xs-security.json and any other configuration steps so that I can find out how to do it in mobile service context.