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REST Sender Synchronous - HTML error response instead of JSON

Former Member
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For REST sender synchronous scenario, I have maintained mandatory field in sender data type. but when mandatory fields are missing then I am not getting a response in JSON format rather getting a response in HTML format. Please suggest what needs to be updated.

Error while sending message to module processor: Sender Channel 'I2_RESTAPISender' : Catching exception calling messaging system: System Error Received. HTTP Status Code = 200: However System Error received in payload ErrorCode = INCORRECT_PAYLOAD_DATA ErrorCategory = XIServer Parameter1 =  Parameter2 =  Parameter3 =  Parameter4 =  Additional text =  ErrorStack = Error while processing message payload

Element 'Unique_Id' missing

Attached my REST Sender Channel Configuration.



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May be it's too late but i had this problem because i was used the SOAPui and i had to set the encoding correct, in the SOAPui, to support characters like í or ó
