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SAC Live Connection - Filter Widget comments based on country

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Hello Experts,

We recently went live with an SAC Analytical Dashboard (Live Connection) in 10 countries. The Bex query is developed such that the data shown on dashboard is different w.r.t. each country. But the problem is, the users would like to comment on few chart widgets as well as on data cells in the table. And we would like to restrict this display of comments to their country ONLY.

For example,

John (From Austria) - enters comment on widget A

Mike (From Germany) - enters comment on widget A.

The dashboard currently shows both the comments. But our requirement is - John should not be able to see Mike's comment.

Is it currently possible to filter comments based on a Country Dimension as a dropdown?

If not, are there any work arounds you'd suggest?

Thanks in advance for your quick replies.



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Not ideal,

But you could use the native comment widget + it's own model
Downside is you would need 10 comment widgets + 10 models (one for each country)

You could dynamically enable refresh and visibility of the comment widget based on the country value selected either via a dropdown or a query variable value.

Hi James,

Thank you for your answer.

It is very close to my requirement. I am using 1 generic comment box but I'm using 20 Script Variables to filter based on YTD/MTD and Month dimensions dropdown selection. But now the customer is requesting to filter based on Country as well which is when I thought of posting a question here! 🙂

Although, I don't think creating a combo of 20 script variables + 15 countries for 200+ users will work. Besides, the requirement of widget/data point commenting is also not met. I will try this solution & share the results. Thanks again!

