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SAP Application Studio displays "missing id" error Messages in SAP UI5 XML Views


Hi UI5 Community,

I am using the standard SAP UI5 freestyle App template within SAP Application Studio. Since ux-ui-tooling version 1.4.6, I get a lot of error Messages in my XML Views (see screenshot). These error messages are all caused by missing "id" attribute within my Control and layout nodes. Oddly, even within List items that error messages appear and demands "id" values, which causes none unique id attributes anymore and that might harm html validation...

Does anyone one know, how to influence the XML validation linting within SAP UI5 toolchain and the SAP Application Studio? I would like to have it less aggressive...

My App works without any problem, when I ignore these error messages, but it will confuse my coworkers and client.

Thank you very much in advance

Best regards


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Can you check the flexEnabled Property in manifest.json? You can set this to false. This should help.
SAPUI5 Flexibility: Enable Your App for UI Adaptation - SAP Help Portal



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Thank you very much Shubham! Changing the flexEnabled Property to false solved the error message issue (after killing my user session and restarting the SAP Application Studio). Thanks!