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SAP Approuter / XSUAA Use token for Microsoft Graph with Azure as Identity Provider

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Hello all,

I am currently changing the underlying infrastructure of a CAP / UI5 application that used the node package "passport" for authentication and authorization with the passport-azure-ad-oauth2 flow. With this token I could use the Microsoft Graph API to send an E-Mail as the current user (which is a needed feature).

Now the infrastructure changed. I now use an approuter with a XSUAA instance for authentication with a route to the underlying CAP application. Additionally, Azure was configured as identity provider instead of the default identity provider.

With this setup the token acquired after a successful login does not suffice / work for neither direct usage of the Microsoft Graph API or generating a new token using the "onBehalfOf"-Functionality of the "@azure/msal-node"-Package.

So far I have tried:
  • Adding "foreign-scope-references": ["$ACCEPT_GRANTED_SCOPES"]
  • Adding "Mail.send" explicitly as scope within the xs-security.json
  • Many variations of the features the @azure/msal-node package provides using the current token or a new one based off of it

I want to use the currently signed in user to send the mail and avoid further authorization flows done by the user. I would consider using a technical user as fallback option if required.

If anyone has any ideas on how to solve this issues or had similar use-cases in the past, I am grateful for any information or approach.

I'll gladly provide further information if needed.

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I see the Cloud Identity Services are used in this example. To my understanding they differ from the XSUAA service plan. Are You aware of any way to avoid using the Cloud Identity Service as I wanna avoid using any more additional service plans

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SAP Cloud Identity is free of charge for the first two tenants.