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SAP Data Intelligence, trial edition 3.2 - connection manager not available

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We have activated the following appliance in CAL

SAP Data Intelligence, trial edition 3.2

This has ran fine for a day, but after suspending and activating, some of the functionality in DI fails (like the connection manager). I checked the logs on GCP and the errors point to the following: DI is not able to locate the hana credentials and creation of the pod fails.

"2022-08-22 09:49:09.867656|+0000|INFO |Getting secret "hana-credentials" for tenant "default" {VID="a61bac7d-2432-45a7-946d-c79eb2a72deb",authinfo="{application default/_vora_tenant/datahub-app-core, with client <datahub-app-core-f1fc5a8fb5566f4e7e2284>}"}||secrets|12999|Get|hana_secret_manager.go(80)"

Any thoughts? This looks like an installer error.

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Solved by adding autoscaling. Seems the default settings are not enough.