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SAP HANA Cloud Trial (cf-eu10) - No Longer available


Hi All,

I am not sure if anybody else has faced a similar situation but my cf-eu10 is no longer available.

It had been renewed a few days ago and I login every single day. I have lost a whole of development in HANA Cloud due to this.

Anybody else faced the same issue ?

A cf login  throws this 
No org or space targeted, use 'cf target -o ORG -s SPACE'



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Yes - Marius is correct. EU10 is no longer available for trial landscapes - however, US10 is available. I know that EXISTING subaccounts on EU10 will continue to work - it's just that users can't create NEW subaccounts on EU10. Not sure what happened in your case if you were actively using the subaccount. Only thing I can think of is that you happened to reach the end of your trial period at the same time EU10 went away. To avoid losing content in the future, you may find this learning journey helpful about migrating your trial instance (it includes info on how to export from existing instance):

Hope this helps and apologies for the inconvenience you experienced due to this EU10 change.

Regards, Mike Paola (SAP HANA Product Management)