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SAP PO 7.4: SOAP to REST-XML Synchronous Scenario (WSDL URL/Short URL from SOAPUI not working)

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Hi Experts,

I have a pass-through synchronous scenario from SOAP to REST-XML and when I generate WSDL from ICO and use the short URL from it that says "WSDL URL" and paste it into SOAPUI then I get the error of "HTTP 405 Method not allowed. Error: HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL".

If I use the long HTTP url from WSDL then from SOAPUI everything works fine. Please let me know what am I doing wrong here?


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For short URL try this :


The URL which you are using is dynamic its gets changed . Check the sender soap channel config as well.

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Hi Manoj,

Thank you for sharing the short URL format. It works fine in SOAPUI.

But in BODS system, who is the actual sender to our SAP PO system, does not accept this format of the URL. It takes only the WSDL URL of the format :

http://<host>:<port>/dir/wsdl?p=ic/<ICO Object ID>

I tried sharing the long URL but that URL is too long for the BODS system and it gets trimmed automatically towards the end of the URL. So, its of no use to them.


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Ideally the SOAP adapter needs query parameters which makes it hit adapter engine, the short URL which I provided or the one you took the long URL from WSDL has query parameters which push the message to adapter engine .

The URL which you are trying to use does not have nay such query parameters , so i am not sure if that really works for you.