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SAPUI5 suspend / resume oData binding not triggering

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I need to setup oData binding in a view so that, by default the items aggregation of a table (containing products) is 'suspended' until I click a button that 'resumes' the binding and loads in the products.

Example is here UI5 Tips: Use of Binding Suspend | SAP Blogs but when I try to apply this to the items aggregation of a table, the resume() does nothing, and no products are shown.

 <Table id="productsTable"
items="{path: 'Products', suspended: true }"
 onProductSearchAll: function (oEvent) {
const oView = this.getView();
const table = oView.byId("productsTable");
const binding = table.getBinding("items");
binding.resume(); }

For now, the workaround has been to NOT include the items aggregation in the view, and to unbind/bind the items aggregation in the controller.

This is a more cumbersome solution, so would be good to confirm why the cleaner suspend/resume solution fails in this scenario.

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does a "binding.refresh()" after "binding.resume()" help?

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marianzeis Unfortunately not.

I can see that the binding has a property of bSuspended: true, so the suspend works.

It's just the resume() part that seems to do nothing.

Active Contributor
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Here is the documentation for it :

They talk a lot about V4, do you have a V2 List Binding?

In the documentation they also link a sample app with using this suspended. You may find a solution there?

// resume binding to BusinessPartnerList to trigger request when dialog is opened

if (oBPListBinding.isSuspended()) {

oBPListBinding.filter(new Filter("BusinessPartnerRole", FilterOperator.EQ, "01"));

oBPListBinding.sort(new Sorter("CompanyName"));



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Is the default model an ODataModel in the first place? Or is it a client-side model (e.g. JSONModel)?

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boghyon-sap It's an ODataModel

0 Kudos


It's v2.

And I've implemented it exactly as prescribed... the resume() appears to do nothing.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

And if you remove suspended: true from the binding definition, does the ListBinding fetch the entities? If not, then you might have got the binding path wrong as suggested by Jun in the answer.

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Answers (2)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

I just added an answer at If it helped, please consider removing this duplicate question.

Active Contributor
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You can only suspend absolute bindings or bindings which are quasi-absolute.

does your binding satisfy that condition?

0 Kudos


My data source is...

   "dataSources": {
"productService": {
"uri": "/sap/opu/odata/itcp/product_srv/",
"type": "OData",
"settings": {
"odataversion": "2.0",
"localUri": "localService/metadata.xml"

and the binding is...

  <Table id="productsTable"
items="{path: 'Products', suspended: true }"

So what exactly is an absolute/quasi-absolute binding? And does this qualify?

Note* It looks like the resume() is the issue, not the suspend. The suspend appears to work as no oData is returned. The issue is that I can't resume() and load the oData.

Active Contributor
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absolute binding starts with /. yours doesn't look like absolute binding

{path: '/Products', suspended: true }