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SAPUI5 UploadCollection unable to download

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Hi Experts,

I am using Uploadcollection to upload and display attachments,

when i click on attachments file name , download not happening and getting an error in console. because of this error i am not able to see the attached documents. please provide some inputs , i am attaching Error details and code.

Error Details:

My XML code for Upload collection

<UploadCollection id="UploadCollection" maximumFileSize="5" instantUpload="true" mode="SingleSelectMaster" multiple="true" uploadButtonInvisible="false" sameFilenameAllowed="true" change="onUploadChange" fileDeleted="onFileDeleted" typeMissmatch="onTypeMissmatch" uploadComplete="onUploadComplete" beforeUploadStarts="onBeforeUploadStarts" > </UploadCollection>

controller code to uploadcollectionitem at runtime to display the attachments,

Note: reading the size from odata service out put

for(var i=0; i<size; i++){

var item = new sap.m.UploadCollectionItem({

documentId : data.results[i].InstidB,

fileName : data.results[i].FileName + "." + data.results[i].Extension,

url: "/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZMDM_CLIENT_MASTER2_SRV/Get_Attachments_Inst_TypeSet('" + data.results[i].InstidB + "')/$value", visibleDelete : true,

visibleEdit : false




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Hi Srinivasu,

Please let us know if you are still facing this issue. In the samples :

where files can be downloaded and the same error was not reproducible.

If it is still reproducible it would be good to have a jsFiddle sample code to see how you have implemented Upload Collection.

